Saturday, October 31, 2009

Medicine, Tech, Philosophy and Nursing (sometimes)

Hi, I'm Tyler. This is my second blog; my first is lost to all internet kind as it was crap I wrote when I was 16 or thereabouts. I am a part of a generation of people that grew up with tech and internet connectivity so much that I almost expect it everywhere, even in the small cities and towns of the interior of British Columbia that I've lived in all my life. I am a nursing student currently, although in July I'll become a full nurse. I'm interested in the operating room, but I'll discuss that more later.

I have noticed a complete lack of blogs by medical professionals on the internet. There are many newspaper sources, many medicine-based websites, many wiki's and a huge amount of 'cures' and medical advise dispensed on the internets, but nobody is blogging about medicine. I'm just inspired (or, more likely, stupid) enough to try it. Keep in mind that I am very open-minded, and I am also often wrong, and am the first to admit it.

I will not give out medical advice over the internet. That being said, I will talk about medical advances, medical journal articles, and I will point towards information about topics that coule be related to medicine.

Philosophy is another passion of mine, and while I like being philosophical, I think I will likely write less about philosophy and more about my third passion: Tech. I love gadgets, open source, and any program that is useful to me. Revision 3, Lifehacker and This Week in Tech are some of my favorite places on the internet. Fortunately, the resources for people interested in tech are vast and easily accessible. If you want to learn about technology, computers, or gadgets on the internet, it's pretty easy.

Anyway, this is my shout out to the internet. I don't really know where this blog is going to go, but I hope to learn a lot and not get sued. If anyone has any questions, you can contact me in any number of ways (in the sidebar), or leave a comment.

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